Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Colin Kaepernick is attempting a game-winning drive and his gay lover Billy Crystal runs out onto the field to kiss him for luck. I get out my phone and start to post to Facebook "I hope they do to Billy Crystal what they would do to me if I ran onto the field," but am interrupted by a phone call from my dental hygienist reminding me of an appointment tomorrow, saying "You won't have to move in with Amy" because they got a new office. I'm outside and it's dark and a guy walks menacingly down the street and I worry he's going to mug me for my phone. I'm very self-conscious that the phone is lighting up my face so he can see me.

INSIGHT - San Francisco had just beat St. Louis on Monday Night Football to make me lose a bet - Kaepernick seemed unstoppable despite only a 4.5 point spread. I think the menacing man was "The Man," Mr. PC, the masses. I wanted to speak my mind but was afraid of being singled out (phone lighting my face) for backlash for being homophobic when really all I want is equality. (Great choice for my first blog entry then. For the record I am pro-gay rights.) I was stopped from posting my statement on FB/Twitter (in my dream they were the same) by my dental hygienist, who represents responsibility and smart thinking. The only Amy I know is (redacted), a Creek Indian in Atmore (I also am Creek). Perhaps this is something to do with not being on the tribal health care plan (not living on the reservation). The medical center down the street from my house is expanding, that might be where the idea of new medical offices came from.

By the way, this first post is a good opportunity for me to state some of my beliefs about dream analysis. Although I welcome any input, I believe the person most qualified to analyze a dream is the dreamer himself, since he knows best the connotations he brings into and out of a dream. That said, there are a few universal themes of which I am aware, and when I think of these I will include them in any insights. Also it should be stated I have no reason to believe Colin Kaepernick is gay, but I wouldn't be surprised about Billy Crystal.

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