Monday, October 27, 2014

What the hell is this?

Hi! My friends call me Larry, and I am an introspective extrovert.

As part of the process towards conscious dreaming I have begun to keep a dream diary. I have now decided to post the entries online, because why the hell not. It will be an experiment in honesty - while everything you read will be 100% honest, I'm not yet sure how much I will post. The dreams posted will be anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks prior to the post, partly to give myself time for some insight but mostly because the decision to blog came a couple of weeks after the decision to keep the diary. If I name names you can assume the names are fake.

The diary is a notebook I keep on my bedside table, and when I wake up from a dream I write it down before going back to sleep or getting on with my day. I intend to post each entry exactly as written, so niceties like proper grammar may be forsaken. My idea as it stands is to use italics for everything in the "dream world," and normal characters for any insight I include after waking. The insight comes from that morning or soon after, while anything in bold is something I'm writing at the time of the blog post. Also, I frequently wake with a persistent song in my head that can't be explained by having heard it the night before or recently, so if that happens I will include it as the music of the dream. And one last thing, I always go to bed after midnight so the date given is the early morning the dream happened, the day after the previous night, so to speak. Yeah, that's the kind of clarity I'm seeking here.

So I think that about covers the ground rules, just one caveat - some of the dreams may be explicit or otherwise offensive. I intend to go into as much detail as I remember from the dream, so my only self-censorship will be whether or not I post the dream at all. If I post it, it's unedited. My only request is that the reader try not to make judgments on my character based on dreams - I can't help my subconscious. That said, let's have a look inside my mind, shall we?

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